Inclusive education is more than just a trend; it encapsulates the essence of effective education.
Published on Newsweek on Sep 21, 2023
Education is not merely a privilege but a fundamental human right. Anchored by Sustainable Development Goal #4, the United Nations and international human rights law underscores the crucial need for equitable education for all. With recent decisions being made by some governments and institutions to remove support for initiatives that are designed to improve equitable outcomes through education, now more than ever, college and university leaders who value diversity and believe in equitable outcomes need to take action toward creating inclusive education as the standard.
Prioritizing the Learner
At its core, inclusive education places the learner at the forefront. This approach centers on empowering students to actively participate in decision-making processes, creating an educational ecosystem that embraces and celebrates diversity. It recognizes that various modes of learning and interactions may not resonate equally with every individual. As educators and institutions, the responsibility lies in adapting to the diverse needs of learners by offering a range of interactions and learning options.
Inclusive education is not a one-size-fits-all model; it’s a continual journey of enhancement that aligns with the 8 inclusion needs of all people. This commitment ensures that educational opportunities are universally accessible and that the learning experience is not only enriching and supportive but also fulfilling for every student.
The Importance of Inclusive Education
Educational institutions that champion inclusivity open their doors to a diverse array of students, leading to increased demand, higher retention rates, enhanced reputation, and improved revenue. Students stand to gain significantly from such an environment, enjoying heightened engagement, improved academic outcomes, and expanded career prospects.
Inclusive education also serves as a cornerstone for fostering a more accepting society — one that values differences, promotes tolerance and nurtures unity. The transformative power of education cannot be overstated, as it serves as a catalyst for personal growth, social advancement and economic prosperity.
A Comprehensive Approach to Inclusion
Inclusive education transcends the concept of accommodating physical disabilities; it extends to meeting the unique needs of each student. It involves reimagining educational services to cater to a diverse audience, thereby establishing an equitable learning environment. This approach seamlessly aligns with the social responsibility and mission of educational providers — ensuring equal access to educational opportunities for every student.
Across the educational institution, every job position plays a pivotal role in shaping a student’s learning experience. From administrative staff to teachers, each interaction molds the student’s educational journey. This shared responsibility underscores the need to create an inclusive environment, where every touchpoint is designed to welcome and support students of all identities and intersectionalities.
Key Steps to Creating Inclusive Tertiary Education
Here are five key steps that are vital to cultivating an inclusive tertiary education institution:
1. Establish inclusive standards. Develop inclusive education standards that address the 8-Inclusion Needs of All People. Demonstrate your institution’s commitment to meeting the needs of all identities and intersectionalities.
2. Enhance capability. Cultivate diversity and inclusion competence across all roles within the institution. Offer learning opportunities that empower staff with the practical ‘know-how’ to make inclusive decisions and take inclusive action.
3. Revise policies and procedures. Scrutinize policies and procedures that impact decision-making and work processes. Address any inclusion barriers and ensure that all identities and intersectionalities are accommodated for.
4. Create a safe learning environment. A sense of safety is integral to student success. Work on improving both physical and psychological safety by engaging with students and implementing necessary changes.
5. Foster inclusive learning. Ensure that curriculum, learning facilitation, assessment methods, and student support are designed with the student at the center and inclusion needs at the forefront.
Inclusive education is more than just a trend; it encapsulates the essence of effective education. It’s what good education is. It signifies a commitment to cultivating a learning environment that celebrates diversity and respects individuality. By embracing inclusion, educational institutions unlock opportunities for both themselves and their students. This enriches lives, promotes understanding, and contributes to a more inclusive and equitable society.